题目:Regularity of a fourth order linear geometric elliptic system.
报告人:郑高峰 华中师范大学
时间:2021/04/24 09:00-10:00
会议 ID:955 706 189
摘要:In this talk, we are concerned with some regularity issues of the fourth order Lamm-Rivi\`ere system
$$\De^{2}u=\De(V\cdot\na u)+{\rm div}(w\na u)+(\na\om+F)\cdot\na u+f$$
indimension four, with an inhomogeneous term $f$ which belongs to some natural function space. We obtain optimal higher orderregularity and sharp H\older continuity of weak solutions. Among several applications, we derive weak compactness forsequences of weak solutions with uniformly bounded energy, which generalizes the weak convergence theory of approximate biharmonic mappings. This is a joint work with Professor Changyu Guo and Professor Changlin Xiang.