学术报告:2021年 10月25日20:00-21:00,美国普渡大学-郝朝鹏
报告人 | 郝朝鹏 | 单位 | 美国普渡大学 |
报告题目 | Efficient Numerical Methods for Elliptic Equations with integral fractional Laplacian |
报告时间 | 2021年10月25日周一20:00-21:00 | 地点 | 腾讯会议:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/0gcSvdgEnvHA 会议 ID:330 186 341 密码:123456 |
邀请人 | 曹婉容,杜睿 |
报告摘要 | The fractional Laplacian is a promising mathematical tool due to its ability to capture the anomalous diffusion and model the complex physical phenomenon with long range interaction, such as fractional quantum mechanics, image processing, jump process etc. However efficient computation of this model on bounded domains is challenging as highly accurate and efficient numerical methods are not yet available. The bottleneck for efficient computation lies in the low accuracy and high computational cost of discretizing the fractional Laplacian operator. Although many state-of-the-art numerical methods have been proposed and some progress has been made for the existing numerical methods to achieve quasi-optimal complexity, some issues are still fully unresolved. In this talk, we will introduce recent advancements and present efficient numerical methods. |
报告人简介 | 郝朝鹏于2017年太阳成集团tyc234cc官网计算数学博士毕业,后于2020年获得伍斯特理工学院数学学科博士学位。2020年8月至今担任普渡大学Golumb访问助理教授,研究领域为科学计算和数值分析。现研究兴趣包括分数阶偏微分方程和随机微分方程数值解,以及偏微分方程的机器学习应用。目前共发表论文二十多篇。其中多篇一作文章发表在计算数学国际顶级期刊 Math. Com., SIAM 系列以及国际知名计算数学物理期刊JCP 等。 |