学术报告:2017.6.16(周五), 9:30-10:30


时间:2017.6.16,  9:30-10:30
Name: Dragana Cvetkovic Ilic
Af'filiation:  University of Nis, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Nis, Serbia
email:  dragana@pmf.ni.ac.rs
Title: Completion problems of operator  matrices and its di erent applications
Abstract: We will address some recent  results on certain problems of completions of operator matrices and show  interesting applications of these results in solving some problems related to  the reverse order law for generalized inverses and invertibility and  Fredholmness of linear combinations ofoperators from B(H), in particular those  of idempotents and projectors.

B. S. in Mathematics,  1999
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of  Nis
M. S. in Mathematics, 2002
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of  Science and Mathematics, University of Nis
Thesis title: Gaps between Banach  spaces and applications
Thesis advisor: Professor Vladimir Rakočević
Ph.D.  in Mathematics, 2004
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and  Mathematics, University of Nis
Thesis title: Schur complement and  generalizations
Thesis advisor: Professor Dragan Đorđević