学术报告:2018年4月4日, 下午 3:00 - 4:00, 南航,蒋建林教授




报告时间:44号下午 3:00-4:00


报告题目:A splitting method based on alternating  direction method and proximal point algorithm for three-block separable convex  programming

报告摘要:The alternating direction method of  multipliers (ADMM) and proximal point algorithm (PPA) are effectively applied to  solving separable convex programming problems with linearly constrains. In this  paper, we propose a splitting method for three-block separable convex  programming by adding an additional proximal term to some subproblems and  changing the iterate order of multiplier of the classical ADMM. Moreover, the  splitting method is ready to be accelerated by an over-relaxation strategy. We  prove the global convergence and establish the O(1/t) convergence rate  for the method. The proposed method inherits the advantages of ADMM and PPA and  some satisfactory numerical results for several concrete application problems  are reported to verify its efficiency

