报告人 | 夏超 | 单位 | 厦门⼤学 |
报告题目 | Stability on two types of partitioning problems | ||
报告时间 | 5月30日(周四)下午四点 | 地点 | 九龙湖校区太阳成集团tyc234cc官网第一报告厅 |
邀请人 |
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报告摘要 |
Abstract: In this talk, two geometric variational problems, so-called partitioning problems for convex domains will be discussed. Type-I is on area minimizing hypersurfaces with volume constraint and Type-II is on area minimizing ones with wetting area constraint. The stationary points for Type-I are free boundary CMC hypersurfaces while the ones for Type-II are minimal hypersurfaces with constant contact angle. We study the stability problem, namely, the second variation for area functional is nonnegative under two types of admissible deformations. We show the uniqueness result for stable type-I or type-II stationary hypersurfaces in a Euclidean ball. This talk is based on joint works with Guofang Wang and Jinyu Guo respectively.
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报告人简介 | 夏超,厦门大学教授,福建省闽江学者特聘教授。2007年本科毕业于四川大学,2012年在德国弗莱堡大学取得博士学位,之后在德国应用数学马普所和加拿大麦吉尔大学从事过博士后研究,2015年入选国家青年****。他的主要研究领域是几何分析与非线性偏微分方程,研究成果发表在 J. Differential Geom.,Math. Ann.,Adv. Math.,Comm. Anal. Geom.,Intern. Math. Res. Not. IMRN,等多个颇具影响力的期刊上。 |